The Student Life Office sponsors a full intramural program consisting of a wide variety of competitive and non-competitive recreational opportunities. Participation is open to all Georgetown College students (residential and commuter), faculty and staff regardless of athletic ability. Team and individual sign-up deadlines are posted throughout the year.

Our Mission

The mission for Intramural sports is to provide appropriate recreational programs and services that help promote student growth and development, positive interpersonal relationships, and healthy lifestyles in an enjoyable atmosphere.

All men and women are encouraged to participate in the IM Program. Any group of students or faculty/staff may form a team providing all eligibility requirements have been met. Persons not affiliated with recognized organizations may check with the IM Office to be referred to other possible students that may want to form a team.

Learn More:

Major Sports

  • Flag Football
  • Volleyball
  • Basketball
  • Soccer or Softball

Minor Sports

  • Dodgeball
  • Kickball
  • Spikeball
  • Ultimate Frisbee
  • Others may be added


  • Corn hole
  • Disc Slam
  • Gaga Ball

IM Champion T-shirts will be awarded to the winning team or individual in each “A” league sport. T-shirts will be given only to those people listed on the roster that played on the winning team. The max number of shirts are given to field players plus half.




Teams that call less than 24 hours in advance to cancel, do not have enough members to field a complete team*, or simply do not show will be given a forfeit. Two forfeits will eliminate a team from season and tournament play. If a team is eliminated from a major (minor) sport due to forfeits, that team is ineligible to participate in the next major (minor) sport.

*Two players must be present at game time and the required number of players must be present within five minutes of game start (or time set by on-site Supervisor) to avoid a forfeit.


Teams may forfeit up to two games and still be eligible for the tournament if they call the supervisor and the opposing team captain at least 24 hours in advance of the scheduled game time. This forfeit will not allow the team to receive the 20 (or 10 for minor sports) points to be added to the All Sports total (see All Sports Point System), but will allow them in tournament play.


Teams that call in at least 48 hours in advance of game time will be given two opportunities to reschedule their game (given the season schedule allows time).

Sportsmanship Conduct for Intramurals

Good sportsmanship is expected from all players. If a team or player is consistently causing problems, the player or team captain may be asked to meet with the Director of Campus Wellness to discuss the incident(s) and their continued participation in GC Intramurals. The Director of Campus Wellness reserves the right to suspend a player or team from one or all sports.

Players ejected from a game must report to the Director of Campus Wellness the following day to discuss the incident. These players are automatically suspended one game and are suspended from further play in any IM sport until they have met with the Director of Campus Wellness. Team captains will report to the Director of Campus Wellness to answer for team violations or misconduct. Teams and players also have a responsibility to prevent their fans and coaches from abusing the officials and/or opponent.


  1. No more than 25% of the team players may have been on a related sports team within the past year. (e.g. 5th year seniors, sophomore who played their freshman year, on JV the previous year, etc.)
  2. Red shirts, JV, and current players are ineligible. JV basketball, baseball, and volleyball can play, but teams can only have two on the roster and only one on the court at a time. If two are on the court, the team will be given an immediate forfeit.
  3. Players who are currently on a varsity team or played on a varsity team for two seasons or more are ineligible.
  4. 3/2 program students are eligible to play, whether they are taking classes at GC currently or not.
  5. A player may only be on one team. Team members may not move from one team to another after mid-season season or playoffs. Roster changes are allowed up to the 3rd game. A player can change from one team to another during this period, but not move back.

Player Outside of Residence Hall

A team wishing to have a person play for them and is not a part of their organization or who does not live in their respective residence hall may email a request to the Intramural staff. The letter must explain why that person should be permitted to play on their team and still be considered a point team. The letter needs to be submitted at least 24 hours before rosters are due. If the request is denied, teams may still play with the person, but they cannot receive points. They are still eligible for champion t-shirts, however.

Faculty/Staff (F/S)

All F/S members are encouraged to participate in Intramurals. S/he must play for a Faculty/Staff team unless:

  1. there happens to be no F/S team playing for points; or
  2. s/he is a respective resident for a point organization.

If either of these applies, a F/S member may then join a point-team under the conditions that the F/S member is considered as a “Player Outside of a Residence Hall.” (See rule above.)

Note: if a F/S member wishes to play for a non-point-team, s/he can do so even if there is a F/S team.

*Alumni are not allowed to participate in Intramural Events unless s/he is a current faculty or staff member, or specified otherwise.


Protests must be filed within 12 hours to the IM Supervisor or Director of Campus Wellness. A decision on the protest will be made in a timely manner and both teams will be notified promptly. Protests will not be allowed on official’s judgment calls.


IM Supervisors are selected through the Emerging Leaders program each spring.

Referees & Scorekeepers

Interested students may become referees and scorekeepers by contacting the Director of Campus Wellness at 502-863-8219.

The vast majority of our game officials are students. Although we attempt to have the best officials working every game, there are times when our people will make mistakes. Each year our department receives complaints regarding officials and we take those constructively. We will keep striving to get the most talented officials on campus working for IM and ask that each participant use good judgment and exercise patience when dealing with our officials.

Participating in IM Sports is voluntary on the part of each individual. Therefore, Georgetown College will not assume the doctor, hospital, ambulance, etc. bills for persons injured while participating in the program. An Assumption of Risk/ Waiver must be signed before a student may participate.

Participation in activities sponsored and organized by the staff and student staff at Georgetown College carries certain risks including that of serious injury, which could result in paralysis and/or death. Georgetown College does not provide insurance to cover medical or hospital expenses resultant from injury due to participation in the Georgetown College Recreation Program. Georgetown College does not pay for ambulance or other transportation costs for students to obtain medical treatment in the event of an injury.


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